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Wading a river on the way to work (TEDx)

il Cavallo e la Torre, Rai3 (in Italian)

Festa dell'innovazione, Il Foglio, June 10, 2023 

(in Italian)

Radio Davos, March 20, 2023 (in English) extracts

Full interview here

Kilimangiaro, March 19, 2023 (in Italian)



Festival della Mente, September 3, 2022(in Italian)


"Fermi, mentre l'acqua attorno scorre."

Soft Power Conference, Venice, August 28, 2022


The adaptation imperative. Conference of the Institute of European Democrats

TG1 Mattina, August 29, 2022 (in Italian)


(New Interview)

Al Jazeera​ English - July 13, 2022

Interview on drought

Incroci di Civiltà May 16, 2022 (reading in Italian, discussion in English)


Giulio Boccaletti e Frank Westerman conversano con Shaul Bassi Evento in collaborazione con Arnaldo Mondadori Editore, Iperborea editore, wetlands, Corso di laurea magistrale in Environmental Humanities. Incontro in lingua inglese, traduzione simultanea in italiano.

Trieste, Boccaletti a Scienza e Virgola per raccontare il rapporto tra uomo e acqua, Il Piccolo,  May 15, 2022 (In Italian)


In occasione di Scienza e Virgola 2022, un'intervista con Giulio Boccaletti, saggista esperto di sostenibilità ambientale e autore di "Acqua. Una Biografia." Un libro sull'evoluzione del rapporto tra uomo e acqua nella storia. Boccaletti racconta perché questo rapporto è politico e quale ruolo gioca l'acqua nei conflitti internazionali.

Fireside chat with Dr. Giulio Boccaletti - The Water Institute, University of Waterloo 20 April, 2022


Dr. Giulio Boccaletti, author of the book Water: A Biography, talks with Dustin Garrick, professor of global water policy at the University of Waterloo, as part of the Collaborative Water Program Water 601 Winter 2022 - Week 2 - Water, history and society.

Acqua e Ambiente, Conversazione con il Prof. Boccaletti April 7, 2022 (in Italian)​


Giovedì 7 aprile 2022 alle ore 21, c/o la Parrocchia di S. Antonio da Padova a la Dozza in Via della Dozza 5/2 BO, si è tenuta una conversazione con il prof. Giulio Boccaletti. Giulio Boccaletti, fisico dell’atmosfera e oceanografo alla Princeton University e all’MTI, grande esperto della risorsa idrica da tanti punti di vista, dopo la laurea ha sempre vissuto all’estero, prima negli Stati Uniti e ora in Inghilterra.

Il motore dell'acqua, FOCUS, March 2022 (in Italian)


Quella che vedete in apertura è una delle prime puntate di Focus Talks, il nuovo canale di dedicato agli incontri che abbiamo avuto - e che tuttora abbiamo - con grandi scienziati, ricercatori, innovatori, inventori e personaggi che sappiano ispirarci. In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell'Acqua, che si celebra il 22 marzo di ogni anno, abbiamo chiesto a Giulio Boccaletti, uno dei massimi esperti al mondo di sicurezza ambientale e risorse naturali, di raccontarci il potere dell'acqua.



Acqua. Una Biografia (Salaborsa - Bologna) 15 March 2022 (in Italian)


Giulio Boccaletti parla del suo libro "Acqua.Una biografia" (Mondadori). Con Claudio Cerasa. Introduce Mario Cifiello, Presidente Coop Alleanza 3.0. La rassegna Le Voci dei libri è organizzata dal Comune di Bologna, Bologna Biblioteche, Biblioteca Salaborsa e Coop Alleanza 3.0 in collaborazione con e gode del Patrocinio del Centro per il libro e la lettura del MiC – Ministero della Cultura, con il contributo di Bper Banca.

Speaking of Water: Mapping People, Power, and Water w/ Giulio Boccaletti and Parag Khanna - Circle of Blue 6 January 2022


Since the dawn of civilization, water has defined where people live, when they thrive, and when they move. In a special episode of Speaking of Water authors Giulio Boccaletti and Parag Khanna interview each other about their new books that are capturing attention around the world and provoking debate about borders, conflicts, and what sustainability may look like for the human race.

The Power of Water: Its Intense Value in Society Across Time with Giulio Boccaletti, TARTLE 22 December 2022


Water is essential for economic activities as well as for the well-being of humans. Considering how critical water is to both agricultural production and domestic consumption, conflict over water and the potential ramifications of decisions made over it may have much further consequences for human well-being. It can even have an impact on economic development and social change.

Author Talks: Giulio Boccaletti on the relationship between society and water 17 November 2021


 Do you want to understand human civilization? Look to the most elemental substance on earth: water. In this edition of Author Talks, McKinsey Global Publishing’s Raju Narisetti chats with Giulio Boccaletti, honorary research associate at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, and a former McKinsey partner. In his new book, Water: A Biography, Boccaletti traces the history of how human civilization has been shaped by its attempts to control water for economic and societal benefit.

Live Interview - Spectrum News Local 19 October 2021


What does Ancient Egypt have to tell us about our water woes? More than you’d think. I was moved by this conversation. 

We were honored to speak with Dr. Giulio Boccaletti, an MIT and Oxford researcher and author of @water_a_biography. On the eve of the historic COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow, he gave us new perspective on what’s at stake, and how “the West” is the harbinger for what’s to come. 

Livestream with Giulio Boccaletti - Tattered Cover Bookstore, 5 October, 2021



Water A Biography | Giulio Boccaletti in conversation Conduit Club London, 27 September, 2021


Humans, animals, and plants all need water to survive, making water perhaps the most essential substance on our planet. Giulio Boccaletti is a trained physicist and climate expert, and his new book Water: A Biography journeys through time and across geographies to explore how water has shaped human civilisation. “The story of water,” he writes, “is really a story about us.” Giulio will be in conversation with Bianca Shead, who is the Director of Global Strategic Communications at The Nature Conservancy. 

Giulio Boccaletti - Water | Conversations with Authors Book Passage 20 September, 2021 in Conversation with Lynn Scarlett


Spanning millennia and continents—from the earliest civilizations of farmers on the banks of the Nile, the Tigris, and the Euphrates Rivers to the communal ownership of wells in Greece to how the Greek and Roman experiences with water security resulted in systems of taxation—Giulio Boccaletti's Water is a stunningly revealing history of how the distribution of water has shaped human civilization.

Giulio Boccaletti: Water A Biography - Seattle Town Hall September 15, 2021​


“If there is magic on this planet,” anthropologist Loren Eiseley said, “it is contained in water.” Humans have been trying to contain that magic for millennia. Giulio Boccaletti knows this more than most anyone. With Water: A Biography, Boccaletti showcases the revealing history of how the distribution of water has shaped human civilization.

Fino all'ultima goccia, May 16, 2021(in Italian)


Come l’acqua è diventata uno strumento per ottenere vantaggi economici e sociali e causa di conflitti nel mondo. Il giornalista Stefano Liberti ne discute con il saggista e climatologo Giulio Boccaletti, il presidente di Coop Alleanza 3.0 Mario Cifiello e la ricercatrice Marirosa Iannelli. Questo incontro si è svolto in diretta il 16 maggio 2021. Fa parte del festival di Internazionale a Ferrara, che a causa della pandemia si è spostato online:

Second Green Templeton Public Lecture, March 10, 2021


Key lessons from COVID for recovery strategies. Governments around the world are committing to ‘build back better’ as they recover from the disruption caused by the pandemic. Expectations are high. This lecture draws on examples from history and from experiences around the world to help illustrate the challenges in delivering on these expectations. 

Forum Talk - Coop Alleanza, March 1, 2021 (in Italian)


La corsa all’oro blu. Il ruolo dell’acqua nel mondo che verrà. L’acqua sarà al centro del dibattito pubblico globale e la sua disponibilità e la titolarità dello sfruttamento oggetto di controversie internazionali. Per capire bene lo stato delle cose.

Creating the Future: Weatherbys Private Bank, October 20, 2019


We are at a tipping point in our relationship with water. Humanity is over-using resources, our inability to adequately value water and invest in the systems we depend on threatens human health, prosperity and even, in some cases, political stability. Giulio put forward the case for a fundamental re-evaluation of the relationship between nature and economic growth in the 21st century.

Oxford Martin School, November 22, 2018


Joint lecture with The Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health. Global health outcomes are unlikely to be sustainable if they are achieved at the expense of the integrity of the very ecosystems human societies depend on. Indeed, the modern economy appears to treat global health and natural systems as substitutes: as we achieve more of the first, more of the second deteriorates. But ecosystem integrity can be complementary to human health: under specific conditions, investing in the first can lead to improving returns on investments in the second. 

The Economist Sustainability Summit, April 11, 2018


Making the future present: counteracting short-termism in business strategy. With Michael Lewis, Chief executive, E.ON and Giulio Boccaletti, Chief strategy officer and global managing director for water, The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy, April, 2018


The Conservancy's case for the integration of ecosystems and water security.

WGBH Innovation Labs November 14, 2017


The future of cities. The story of water security and how it relates to urbanisation.

CGTN June 24, 2016


CCTV America’s Asieh Namdar spoke to Giulio Boccaletti, managing director for water at The Nature Conservancy. Together they talked about water conservation technology.

LifeGate, April 6, 2016 (in Italian)


Edizione 2016 dell'Osservatorio nazionale sullo stile di vita sostenibile. Giulio Boccaletti, global managing director di Nature Conservancy, ha messo a fuoco uno dei problemi maggiormente sentiti in tutto il mondo: come far crescere l’economia rispettando i limiti fisici del nostro pianeta. 

Oxford Martin School Water Security Conference, December 9, 2015 


Conservation solutions to the global water security challenge. The role of natural infrastructure in delivering water security.

Reuters January 20, 2015


Exchange: The future of water. The World Economic Forum regards growing scarcity of blue gold as the world's biggest risk. Giulio Boccaletti, managing director at The Nature Conservancy, discusses why with Antony Currie.

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