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Scientific papers, Technical Reports

& Contributions


  • Schneider, T., Behera, S., Boccaletti​, G., Deser, C., Emanuel​, K., Ferrari​, R., Leung​, L. R., Lin​,  N., Müller​, T, Navarra, A. , Ndiaye, O., Stuart​, A., Tribbia​, J., and Yamagata, T. 2023 "Harnessing AI and Computing to Advance Climate Modeling and Prediction", submitted. 

  • Hagen, S., Nolte, C., Chang, Y., Morgan, S, Boccaletti, G., and Reddy, S., 2023. "Understanding variation in impacts from private protected areas across regions and protection mechanisms to inform organizational practices." Submitted.

  • Boccaletti, G. 2023. "Framing water problems with global statistics is both powerful and misleading." Nature Water, 1, 660-661



  • Boccaletti, G. 2019. “How much biodiversity do we need?” in The Last Unknowns: Deep, Elegant, Profound Unanswered Questions about the Universe, the Mind, the Future of Civilization, and the Meaning of Life, J. Brockman Ed. New York: William Morrow, an imprint of Harper Collins, 2019: 28.



  • Abell, R. et al., 2017. Beyond the Source: The Environmental, Economic and Community Benefits of Source Water Protection. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, USA (co-author and executive sponsor)

  • Global Agenda Council on water, 2017. A new model for water access: A global blueprint for innovation. The Global Water Leaders Group. (Member of the council and contributor)

  • Opperman, J. et al., 2017. The Power of Rivers: A Business Case. The Nature Conservancy: Washington, D.C. (contributor and executive sponsor)

  • Boccaletti, G., 2017. “Blue Marble 2.0” in Know This: Today’s Most Interesting and Important Scientific Ideas, Discoveries, and Developments. New York: Harper Collins, 2017, 49.



  • Richter, B. et al., 2016. Water Share: Using water markets and impact investment to drive sustainability. The Nature Conservancy: Washington, D.C. (primary contributor and executive sponsor)



  • Opperman, J., G. Grill and J. Hartmann, 2015. The Power of Rivers: Finding balance between energy and conservation in hydropower development. The Nature Conservancy: Washington, D.C. (contributor and executive sponsor)

  • Boccaletti, G., 2015. “Stationarity” in This Idea Must Die: Scientific Theories That Are Blocking Progress, J. Brockman Ed. New York: Harper Collins, 2015.



  • McDonald, R.I. and D. Shemie, 2014. Urban Water Blueprint: Mapping conservation solutions to the global water challenge. The Nature Conservancy: Washington, D.C. (contributor and executive sponsor)

  • Boccaletti, G. 2014. “The Complex, Consequential, Not-So-Easy Decision About Our Water Resources” in What Should We Be Worried About: Real Scenarios That Keep Scientists Up at Night, J. Brockman Ed. New York: Harper, 2014: 332.



  • Boccaletti, G. S. Maitra, and M. Stuchtey, 2012. “Transforming water economies” in McKinsey on Sustainability and Resource Productivity, 1 (Summer 2012) 76.

  • Boccaletti, G., 2012.  “Scalar Analysis” in This Will Make You Smarter: New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking, J. Brockman Ed. New York: Harper, 2012: 184.



  • Boccaletti G. and M. Stuchtey, 2011. “New Economic Frameworks for Decision-Making” in Water Security: The Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus, Dominc Waughray Ed. Washington DC: Island Press, 2011: 204.



  • The Economics of Climate Adaptation Working Group, 2009. [Climate Works Foundation, Global Environment Facility, European Commission, McKinsey & Company, The Rockefeller Foundation, Standard Chartered Bank and SwissRe], 2009. Shaping Climate Resilient Development: a framework for decision-making. (contributor)

  • 2030 Water Resources Group, 2009. Charting Our Water Future: Economic Frameworks for Decision Making. 2030WRG [The Barilla Group, The CocaCola Company, The International Finance Corporation, Mckinsey & Company, Nestlé S.A., New Holland Agriculture, SABMiller plc, Standard Chartered Bank, Syngenta AG] (co-author and project director)



  • The Climate Group, 2008: SMART 2020: Enabling the low carbon economy in the information age. The Climate Group on behalf of the Global eSustainability Initiative - GESI [Steering group: L. Neves, Deutsche Telekom; E. Farnworth, The Climate Group; C. Tuppen, British Telecommunications Plc; J. C. Castilla-Rubio, Cisco Systems; R. Wright, Intel; A. Grossman, LG; J-E. Mantyniemi, Nokia Siemens Networks; A. Murray, T-Mobile; J. Croca, Vodafone Plc] (project manager)



  • Confederation of British Industries, 2007. Climate Change: Everyone’s business. A report from the CBI Climate Change Task Force [B. Verwaayen, CEO BT; M. Agius, Chairman Barklays Plc; D. Casserley, Managing Partner, Mckinsey & Company UK & Ireland; I. Conn, Group Managing Director, BP; T. Crotty, Chairman, Ineos ChlorVinyls; R. de Waard, Chairman, Ford Motor Co Lrd; A. Duff, CEO, RWE npower Plc; C. Furse, CEO, London Stock Exchange; K. Jones, President & Managing Director UK & Ireland, Sun Microsystems Ltd; R. Lambert, Director General, CBI; T. Leahy, CEO, Tesco Plc; A. Moss, CEO, Aviva Plc; P. Redfern, CEO, Taylor Wimpey Plc; J. Rose, CEO, Rolls-Royce Plc; S. Sharratt, CEO, Bio Group Limited; J. Smith, Chairman, Shell UK Ltd; P. Varin, CEO, Corus; W. Walsh, CEO, British Airways Plc; A. Wood, Chairman, Siemens UK] (project manager)

  • Boccaletti, G., R. Ferrari, and B. Fox-Kemper, 2007. Mixed Layer Instabilities and Restratification. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37, 2228-2250.

  • Fedorov, A., M. Barreiro, G. Boccaletti, R.C. Pacanowski, and S.G. H. Philander, 2007. The Freshening of Surface Waters in High Latitudes: Effects on the Thermohaline and Wind-Driven Circulations. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37, 896-907



  • Boccaletti, G., R. Ferrari, A. Adcroft, D. Ferreira, and J. Marshall, 2005. The vertical structure of ocean heat transport. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L10603

  • Boccaletti, G., 2005. Timescales and Dynamics of the formation of a Thermocline. Dyn. Atmos. Oc., 39, 21-40

  • Boccaletti, G., 2005, R.C. Pacanowski, and S. G. H. Philander. A Diabatic Mechanism for Decadal variability in the Tropics. Dyn. Atmos. Oc., 39, 3-19.



  • Boccaletti, G., R.C. Pacanowski, S.G.H. Philander, and A.V. Fedorov, 2004. The Thermal Structure of the Upper Ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 34, 888-902.

  • Ferrari, R. and G. Boccaletti, 2004. Eddy-Mixed Layer Interactions in the Ocean. Oceanography, 17, 12-21.



  • Smith, K.S., G. Boccaletti, C.C. Henning, I. Marinov, C.Y. Tam, I.M. Held, and G.K. Vallis, 2002. Turbulent diffusion in the geostrophic inverse cascade. J. Fluid Mech., 469, 13-48

  • Navarra, A., G Boccaletti, 2002. Numerical general circulation experiments of sensitivity to Earth rotation rate. Climate dynamics, 19, 467-483



  • G. Boccaletti, 2000. Monsoons in a Moist, Axially Symmetric Model of the Atmosphere, in “The General Circulation of the Atmosphere; 2000 Program of Study in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics”, GFD – WHOI, 55-69

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